Friday, 6 December 2013

Bosch's Nightmare: Concept Buildup (Hell)

I've moved onto finalizing the concept for the realm of Hell. At first the progression was to travel across regular looking islands but as this looked too generic and non-Bosch I've decided to put in a little more chaotic architecture matching silhouettes from Bosch's painting. I'll move onto toning and colouring the concept and move onto the other two realms.


More Bosch

Rough 3D mock up (based off the original concept)

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Bosch's Nightmare: Level Layouts

These are fleshed out concepts of the level layouts I previously designed. They're close to the final outcome of what I want for the levels, I only need to tweak a few things like game assets (trees, cover, etc.) and proportions. Once the tweaking is done I'll produce the final concept pieces for each realm with colours from Bosch's painting and move onto mapping out rough Maya scenes of the level.